2023 Lab

Directors Lab North’s 2023 Lab was held from June 12 – 18, 2023.

This year we created both an in-person lab and an online version, which allowed us to include many more international labbies into the program. 

Lab Topics

with Philip Aiken and ted witzel

Shared Sessions

Moving Forward
A Consent-Based Approach to Directing

Personal Cosmography
Weaving the Mythopoeic Self into the Fabric of Creation

Story Recreation


Physical Work

Conceptual Containers

Actor Sessions

by Rosa Laborde

Lab Participants

Mariló Núñez
Alec Toller 

Taylor Graham 

 Mandy Roveda

 Alan Kinsella

Andrea Donaldson

 Jill Carter 

 Alex Fallis

 Janet Kish 

 Jay Northcott 

Ciarán Myers 

Milton Lim

 Katia Café-Fébrissy

 Jessie Fraser 

 Logan Gabrielle Schulman 

 Zoe Erwin Longstaff 

 Zita Nyarady 

 Brendan McMurtry-Howlett 

 Tyler Seguin 

 Erin Brandenburg 

 Rosa Laborde 

 Emily Rollie 

 Kristen van Ginhoven
Mandy Roveda
Gabrielle Metcalf
Valerie Planche
Chang Nai Wen
Madeleine Regina
Larisse Campbell
Bo Powell
DS Magid
Michele Hawkins-Jones
Heather Davies
Jill Carter
Maria Fernanda Gonzalez Rios (MAFER)
Brenda McLean
Robert A. K. Gonyo
Annie Levy
Nicola Murphy
Christopher Jackman
Fiely Matias
Barbara Tomasic
Dawn Naser
Evan Cummings
Akia Squitieri

Stage Manager
Senjuti Sarker

DLN is grateful to its supporters

Thanks to the Ontario Arts Council and the Canada Council for generously funding the lab. Thanks to the Tarragon Theatre for providing us space and support and to the Luminato Festival for supporting us and providing tickets for the labbies to Treemonisha