2024 Lab

Directors Lab North’s 2024 Lab was held from June 17 – 23, 2024.

Lab Topics & Sessions

with Jill Carter

Directing Session
with Mumbi Tindyebwa

Directing on Stratford Stages
with Seana McKenna

Classical Work
with Esther Jun

with Allyson McMackon

Strategic Planning
with Ray Hogg

Intimacy & Fight Direction
with Siobhan Richardson

with Adam Lazarus

Directing Classics
with Weyni Mengesha

Verbatim Theatre
with Andrew Kushnir

Playwrights Project
with Keith Barker

Artistic Direction
with Marjorie Chan

Additional Sessions

We also had Shared session led by our Labbies on Farce, Magic for theatre, Buildiing Worlds, Interactive Theatre, European producing models and Grotowski work.

Lab Participants

Andrea Kovac

Oskar Westbridge

Michael Scholar, Jr.

David Ian Lee

Ludmylla Reis

Stephanie LeBolt

Michael Reinhart

Maya June Dwyer

Kay Brattan

Emma Denson

Mackian Bauman

David Gram

Emilia White

Natalie Kane

Grace Booth

Michael Kras

Michelle Chan

Christene Browne

Sarah O’Brecht

Keelie A. Sheridan

Robert Ross Parker

Anthony Lee

Lana Richards

Ana V. Radulescu

Nadiya Atkinson

Diana Khong

Rinchen Dolma

!Kona Rodney

Stage Manager
Taylor Zalik-Young

Assistant Stage Manager
ciaran breenemang

Trina Moyan
Allegra Fulton

DLN is grateful to its supporters

A huge thank you to the Ontario Arts Council and the Canada Council for the Arts for generously funding the lab.

Also a huge thank you to the Tarragon TheatreThe Stratford Festival and to Playwrights Canada Press